Special Fall Offers!
The Weather in North Texas is a challenge for Pets and their Parents, so at Bark and Purr we want to help pups and cats get groomed or Freshened Up More often; it's healthier, they are more comfortable, you are happier! Besides, you are family, and isn't that what family does?
Bark and Purr has exciting new offers in the horizon, but for now, take advantage of any that will fit your needs!

New to Allen? 10% off plus Allen Orientation
New Customer 1st Time Visit
With so many people moving into our great city, it's hard to make friends or find recommendations for basic services. As your family groomer, we will also get you set up with an Allen Kit to familiarize you with what is around. your area and get recommendations, from our own clients, on the best of the best. We also have discounts to other retail partners, including the best Pizza in the City!

I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.